Shower your skin with happiness

Turn the next time you shower into a skin refreshing experience using the method I'll be telling you about in this post. This is partially a Moroccan bath with extra nourishment that you can do at home. You can create your own atmosphere by lighting candles and playing your favorite music while doing this routine but all you really need is about an hour or a little more, your bath tub, 2 loofahs and these ingredients:

5 1/2 tbsp baking soda
3 tbsp salt
4 tbsp epsom salt
2 tbsp coconut oil 

I won't specify amounts for these because it depends on your body size
Olive oil
Ground coffee
(turkish coffee powder works perfect, but don't use nescafe or similar grain-coffee)
Moroccan soap

Sandal soap bar
Moroccan loofah (black color)
Loofah glove

Now we have all the ingredients, let's see what are we gonna do with'em...
  1. Stage 1: Bathing
    - What for? Opening pores, moisturizing and purifying - Bonus: Relaxing

    Fill up your bath tub with water that is the highest temperature you can endure ( to create steam), but do not torture yourself it should just be a little hotter than warm. 
    While the tub is half filled and the water is still running put in 5 tbsp of the baking soda so it mixes with the water, leave the last half tbsp on the side and pour in the coconut oil. (The pure coconut oil will usually be solid as it freezes at room temperature, so u'll see it melting as you put it in the water.) After the tub fills, put the salt mixing it with your hands, get in the tub and relax for about 20-30 minutes. 
    I sometimes add a glass of fresh orange juice to the water to supply my skin directly with vitamin C, but that is not a must.
    While you're in there, you'll start feeling your face a little sweaty because of the vapor, right at this point take some water and wet your face with it. With your finger tips, take some of the baking soda you left on the side and start scrubbing your face in circular motions with it for two minutes, don't press too hard. This will clean your face off the dead cells. Also while in the tub, you can massage your body while you're in there in circular motions so it absorbs coconut oil.
    TIP : Take advantage of the steam by applying a hair mask or oil treatment while waiting.
  2. Stage 2: Scrubbing and Exfoliating
    -What for? Removing the dead skin cells, evening out the texture and softening skin

    Stand up slowly and start draining the water. Now to create our own steam room, you'll need to close the shower curtain firmly and turn on the shower at the highest temperature and stand away from it, you just need the steam coming off the hot water.
    Cover your body and face with Moroccan soap and keep it for 10-15 minutes. Then take the Moroccan loofah and start scrubbing the soap for 5 minutes but don't rinse it yet. Turn the shower temperature to lukewarm and rinse it. After the soap is off your body, using just the Moroccan loofah scrub again all over to remove soap residues and dead skin.
  3. Stage 3: Coffee scrub and sandal finishing touch
    -What for? Extra hydration and skin shine

    Rinse your body after stage 2. Take the olive oil and mix it with the coffee. Don't pour in the entire amount, just an amount that forms a paste. Using your fingers take from this paste and start scrubbing you body in circular movements for about 6 minutes. Some research suggests that coffee releases toxins and extra water trapped in the body, I don't know about that I just know that it is SO moisturizing that I sometimes don't need to put cream after I shower! After you're done scrubbing, rinse.
    Now get the regular loofah and put some sandal soap on it. Lightly scrub your body for just 1 minute or 2 to give it a shine and remove the coffee residues.
  4. We're done! you can now just shampoo you hair and use your favorite shower gel to give your body fragrance. After drying your body, don't forget to use apply body lotion or body butter to maintain the moisture and softness, body moisturizes are best applied right after the shower.
Hope this is of benefit to you as it is to me, I feel my skin softer and fresher after every time I do this. You can also choose to to do just the first two stages and not the third, or just add the third by itself to your regular shower.

Much Love xx


  1. Waaaah it's amazing thank you so much, can you tell me if your marocan soap is the black soap or rasoul?
    Is it very important the bicarbonate de soude of its just a must?

    1. you're most welcome xx, yes it is the black/dark-brown soap. and the baking soda is very important as it cleanses the skin when it works with the salt
